Ongoing Research

S.No. Department Title Status Upload Date File / Url
311 School of Studies in Geology and... Tectono-sedimentary environments of Sonakhan Group, ---- Implications to Crustal Evolution Completed Project 17-09-2019 
312 School of Studies in Geology and... Elucidation of Proterozoic tectono-sedimentary environments along Narmada-Son Lineament... Completed Project 17-09-2019 
313 School of Studies in Geology and... Groundwater recharge study in the western Part of Chhattisgarh Basin using isotope tech... Completed Project 17-09-2019 
314 School of Studies in Geology and... Palynofloristic investigations of Rajpardi and Bhavnagar lignite of Gujarat with specia... Completed Project 17-09-2019 
315 School of Studies in Geology and... Genesis of Pegmatites of Bastar district with special reference to tin mineralization. Completed Project 17-09-2019 
316 School of Studies in Geology and... A study on implication on crustal evolution. granitisation and similar processes in the... Completed Project 17-09-2019 
317 School of Studies in Geology and... Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Dantewada , Bailadila Greenstone Belt, Bastar distt.,... Completed Project 17-09-2019 
318 School of Studies in Geology and... Geochemistry and Genesis of Precambrian phosphorites of Rajnandgaon, Durg and Raipur di... Completed Project 17-09-2019 
319 School of Studies in Geology and... Water Resource Management Education, Training and Awareness for in-service Water Resour... Completed Project 17-09-2019 
320 School of Studies in Mathematics A class of nonlinear mappings and fixed points Completed Project 29-08-2019